Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bad Breath - Assisting a Sufferer to Deal With the Problem

It is horrible for an individual to be in a close conversation with someone and become suddenly aware that the person they are talking to has horrible smelling breath.  It can almost make someone feel nauseous to continue
the conversation and it is almost impossible not to make a facial expression that communicates disgust.
The awful odor elicits almost involuntary responses. This is a very difficult situation to deal with and  people would want to simply get away from the offensive odor as quickly as possible.  Bad breath is especially difficult to deal with but it is important that it is eliminated on all levels.

Personal Responsibility

So what is the best way of dealing with this problem?  First of all, everyone has a responsibility to take good care of their teeth and cultivate good oral hygiene habits that will help prevent bad breath.  It is common courtesy to make sure that others do not have to suffer with one’s laziness as far as personal oral care is concerned.  Those aware that they have a problem with foul breath should recognize that and take care of the problem to the best of their ability.  If all attempts to deal with this problem on a personal leve fails, then they should seek professional help from a qualified dentist or hygenist.

When someone has to speak or deal with another person who has bad breath, it is important to address the situation rather than get away from it.  On occasions, the root cause of the problem might be medical but the individual may be completely unaware of the bad odor emanating from their mouth. Politely telling the person who has bad breath can be the begining of the solution to the problem even though this may be a difficult conversation to initiate.  

One easy way to address the situation is to offer the person a piece of gum or a mint and gently tell them that they may need to see a physician to discover what their problem is. Or a person can bring up the subject of bad breath and talk about its seriousness and then offer the mint or gum. Whichever way, tack and courtesy must be exercised in order to minimize embarrassment. Some people will require a very direct statement telling them they have bad breath and need to do something about it. All though this is a be very difficult, its nonetheless the right thing to do.  

Thursday, April 15, 2010

rsshugger – Redefining Blog Directories

There are thousands of blog directories out there at the moment but It seems this new one seeks to stand out of the crowd.

Their site design for once, seem to be very clean and unlike the others. Its generally very easy to navigate and finding features seem to be a breeze.

I highly recommend this directory for those of you bloggers out there who are eager to promote your new or existing blogs to the internet community.
They are worth checking out.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Top 5 Cameras for Digital Photography Beginners

With all the choices available, shopping for digital cameras can be overwhelming. We've like to make it easier for you.

If you're in the market for a digital point-and-shoot camera for a beginner, here are 5 models we found which are highly recommended by the leading websites on digital photography.

These cameras are compact, easy for a beginner to use, yet has enough features for a budding digital photography enthusiast. They're also price reasonably for someone who's still exploring the world of digital photography.

Of course, the camera can only do so much; the quality of a picture still depends on the skill of the photographer.

Here's our top 5 cameras for digital photography beginners:

1. Canon Powershot A1100 IS

A top choice in many digital photography sites. It takes 12.1-megapixel photos and includes all the features beginners will appreciate, such as shooting modes that automatically select the right settings, Face Detection Technology, and Intelligent Contrast Correction. Yet other modes will allow the shooter to select his own settings for exposure, shutter speed and other variables. And at only a little over $100, this is one affordable yet powerful camera.

2. Panasonic DMC-FS25

Another 12.1-megapixel camera that gets consistently high ratings from photography sites. Aside from face detection and intelligent ISO control, the Panasonic DMC-FS25 allows the user to lock focus on a moving subject. The shutter release is ultra-fast, with a time lag as little as 0.006 seconds. At the ISO 6400 setting, you can take pictures even in almost total darkness.

3. Casio EX-FC100

This 9.1-megapixel camera bosts of high-speed burst shooting, which lets the user take 30 shots per second - great for sports and other action-packed photography. It also records HD video and features fast uploading to YouTube.

4. Sony Cybershot DSC-W290

This camera's Intelligent Auto Mode, Intelligent Scene Recognition and Face Detection Technology make picture-taking foolproof even for the rank beginner. It even has Anti-Blink Function, which helps keep subjects from blinking, and warns the photographer when a subject has blinked. It has a range of other features, including 13 photo modes, image stabilization and a 9-point autofocus. This 12.1-megapixel camera also takes HD video.

5. Nikon Coolpix L100

This is a 10.0-megapixel camera with 15x optical zoom. The Smart Portrait System lets users take portraits without the dreaded red-eye, which the camera fixes automatically. It also has face-finding technology, so faces are always in focus, a Smile Mode, which shoots the picture when the subject smiles, and a Blink Warning, which lets the user know when the subject blinked. Other features include image stabilization, high-speed shooting, low-light shooting, and Sport Continuous Scene Mode of up to 13 frames per second.

Hopefully this list will help you find the perfect entry-level camera. Compare the features with your digital photography needs and, of course, your budget, to find the best point-and-shoot camera for you.

Even professional photographers use these compact cameras for situations when they cannot lug around a huge digital SLR camera. So don't think that using one of these makes you an "amateur."

For more resources on how to take great photos, go to Digital Photography

Friday, April 9, 2010

Obesity and Fertility - Why Loosing Weight Can Enhance your Chances at Conception

Obesity has many negative health consequences. Some are better known and documented than others. Recent studies have shown that yet another potential consequence of obesity is difficulty when it comes to conceiving a baby. Fertility issues are a growing problem around the world and obesity has become a known cause for that.

While most people look immediately to the female in the relationship for this particular problem, the facts indicate that male obesity can also lead to low sperm count, which can also hamper efforts at conception.

Our bodies were designed for specific purposes. It is amazing how well each part of the human body works to support the other. There are very few machines that can compete with the genius of the design of the human body. After thousands of years to study the human body, there are still many mysteries hidden within. The truth comes down to this however, we put things into our bodies and abuse our bodies in ways that our bodies were simply not designed to take and yet, we still manage to adapt and survive many of these things.

It's amazing when you think about how the human body endures the many things it does without permanent and irrevocable damage. The good news for those attempting to conceive is that the human body also has the remarkable ability to heal itself.

If both partners are overweight then it might be a good idea to work together to shed those unwanted pounds and adopt a healthier, more active lifestyle. Being active when trying to conceive and throughout the pregnancy is a good idea for the female in the relationship as this can help in the process of labor and delivery.

If you are trying to conceive without success and have been doing so for more than a year it is probably in your best interest to seek the services of a fertility specialist in order to rule out other possible causes. Though it is rarely a bad idea to adopt a healthier lifestyle, you should also consult your doctor before beginning a strict diet or weight loss regime in order to make sure there aren't other factors that may be causing your weight issues. This is particularly true if you have gained a good deal of weight in a rather short space of time.

In addition to conception difficulty, obesity can also lead to a greater risk of miscarriage once conception has occurred. Obesity also leads to a greater risk of conditions such as gestational diabetes during the pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, and in some cases still birth and birth defects. It is no small hindrance to a healthy pregnancy and should be carefully considered before attempting to conceive.

Another consideration when it comes to obesity and fertility is that being overweight can also hamper the effectiveness of fertility treatments. This means that the process is typically lengthier and will cost significantly more over time than if obesity were not a factor. Coupled with the risks to the baby, this is something that should not be taken lightly when making plans for fertility treatments.

If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is greater than 30 there are many fertility clinics that simply will not offer their services. Some limit it to greater than 35 and others 40. If you feel that fertility treatments are the only course of action available to you and your BMI is greater than 30, it will be wise to begin weight loss efforts and lifestyle changes before proceeding. You may well find that once you begin to shed the pounds, fertility treatment may no longer be necessary.

Weight Loss Program - Choosing your ideal Gym

Embarking on a weight loss program usually involves a life-style choice that should ultimately lead to fat burning and muscle building. A well organized diet program and exercise regime will go a long way in achieving this. Joining a Gym is one of the best ways to achieving this goal. Although Gym membership can be an expensive venture, choosing the right one and ensuring you derive maximum benefit will be money well spent and making your Return On Investment worthwhile in your weight loss program. Below are a couple of things to look out for when choosing a Gym to belong to.

The quality of trainers in a Gym should be your number one priority. Make sure the trainers in the Gym are experienced enough to give you confidence in their guidance. Although there isn’t a standard set of qualifications that Gym trainers should possess, a regular training program for the trainers themselves should be something one should look out for. If you are going to commit your physical wellbeing into someone’s hands, you better be sure they know what they are doing hence it's vital you make some background checks before deciding to join a Gym.

Another important criteria to look out for is how well-equipped a Gym is. Certainly, there has to be enough modern equipment to ensure you’ll benefit fully from your investments and also prevent members having to queue up to use them. Opening hours should also be very flexible to enable you plan your time conveniently. You should be able to go into the Gym in the early hours of the day, later in the evenings or during lunch time without any problems. Beware of Gyms that tend to have too many restrictions on opening times.

A nice, clean, hygienic environment is also vital. Prospective members should have the opportunity to tour the facilities and check things out for themselves before making a decision. The last thing you want is to be spending more money treating diseases after all the investments in the Gym program to achieve weight-loss and fitness. A well ventilated area, clean looking locker rooms and toilets should be a minimum requirement.  

Finally, check out their prices and also find out if they have a flexible payment plan that can easily fit into your budget. Compare these prices with other Gyms and ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.Because a Gym is very close to your home or work doesn’t mean you have to join if all the factors discussed above do not add up. You need to get on a program that fits your entire lifestyle and gives you the best value for money.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Vitamin C - It's Importance to the Body

Vitamins are amongst the many nutritional components that the body needs to be able to function properly. The importance of ensuring that vitamins are included in our daily food intake cannot be overemphasised.  Included in the list of vitamins needed by the body is vitamin C. This can be obtained from foods such as tomatoes, broccoli, fish, citrus fruits, green peppers and potatoes. Additional doses of vitamins can be obtained from food supplements.However, it is essential to obtain a recommendation from a doctor before one starts taking excessive amounts of vitamin C supplements  

Vitamin C is one of the non fat-soluble types. What this means in essence is that, the body is unable to store it for later use, hence the necessity of taking a daily consumption of it. The level of vitamin C’s daily intake depends on factors such as the age, weight and lifestyle of any individual. In the case where the gender of a person is female, pregnancy will also be a determining factor if one needs a supplement of vitamin C.

As an antioxidant, vitamin C’s function is to combat the ‘negative’ forces that may cause organ, tissue and cell destruction in our bodies. Vitamin C helps to protect the body and in many ways can be said to reduce the aging process. One of the symptoms of a lack of adequate vitamin C in Scurvy. This condition can then lead to illnesses such as anemia, weakness and gum disease.

It is important to take in vitamin C supplements as recommended by your doctor since excessive amounts can result in the development of kidney stones which may interfere with the absorption of other vitamins such as B12. The occurrence of this condition, however, is very rare as vitamin C is highly soluble and will normally be absorbed by the body.

Normally, a healthy and a balanced diet should provide all the vitamin C nutrients one needs for a proper and efficient body metabolism. This implies that ones diet should include the right mixture of  protein, high fibers including fruits and vegetables. Where supplements are need to boost vitamin C intake, visiting a natural food supplement shop should be the best source.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Organic and Labeled Foods – Are They Worth the Investment?

Supermarkets today have so many labels on food produce it can be confusing when deciding which one to settle for. With the debate as to whether organic are more nutritious over natural foods yet to convince most
consumers, some education on the pros and cons of organic and labeled foods  will certainly go a long way in informing the choices one makes

Usually, fruits and vegetables are known as natural foods because they are (or supposed to be) eaten in their raw from. This ensures the body absorbs maximum nutrients hence making our bodies healthier. With the addition of fertilizers to aid the growth and maturation process of the so called natural foods, the nutritional value within them are reduced and compromised.

Organic foods however, are so called because they are grown entirely without the aid of chemicals and fertilizers. The obvious advantage they have over natural foods is that, they retain their full nutritional value and therefore healthier than their natural counterpart. Also, by avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers, farmers help in protecting the environment as less Carbon is released into the atmosphere. The downside is that, they tend to be more expensive than their natural foods. If you’re on a budget however, you can still stick to the natural foods but ensure these foods are properly washed before eating to eliminate the chemicals around them as much as possible.

Another label one is likely to see is “No Hormones”, usually on milk and meat products. Hormones are chemicals released in animals (including humans) to regulate body metabolism. In other words, then a specific action is to be accomplished, these chemicals are released. Animals can be injected with hormones to enable them accelerate certain activities such as the production of milk in cattle, for instance. Where this is the case, milk production may not be of the highest nutritional value. The label “No Hormones” therefore, implies no “chemical” help was given to the cattle that produced the milk.

Yet another label one can find on supermarket produce, usually on eggs is the “Free Range”. This is an indication that the chicken that produced the eggs were allowed to roam around the farm instead of being caged. These tend to be more expensive and nutritious than the normal ones produced. 

Becoming familiar with these terms and their meaning will definitely help one in making informed choices as to what sort of foods to purchase and if it’s worth making budgetary adjustments to accommodate them.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Finding Ways to Quit Smoking

Finding the best way to stop smoking is a very difficult task because people react differently to various stimuli or triggers so the “One remedy fits all” type of approach often doesn’t work.

The fact is that, any smoker who wants to quit must first have a strong reason to do so. It is almost impossible to find the best way to stop smoking unless there is a strong desire to do so. If you ask ten people who’ve quit smoking what their secret was, you are likely to receive different answers from 80% of them. This statistic simply shows how hard it is for science to develop the best way to stop smoking. So practically, everyone is encouraged to use whatever methods necessary to eliminate this problem.

For one smoker, the best way to resist the urge was to make a list of all the dangers and consequences on a paper and then quickly take a look at them anytime the urge to smoke became stronger. This was an effective way to deal with the problem for this particular person.

One way to consider quitting smoking is to join discussion groups and undergo therapy. As you interact with similar people who have overcome the habit and listen to their experiences, you can take courage and be reassured that it if someone has done it, then you can to. Some even go as far as eliminating long held lifestyles to stop the habit, including breaking friendships and cutting out visits to places that ignite the urge to smoke again.

Others who are unwilling to quit smoking hide under the umbrella of not being overweight as the reason to persist in this dangerous habit despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. They argue that once they stop smoking, they will put on weight. This however is far from the truth as daily exercise is a much better way to keep in shape and healthy.

There are countless resources online that will help you in the fight against smoking and you may want to take a good look at this resource to help you STOP SMOKING.

Having said that, there is a fundamental battle that must be resolved before any other remedy can assist; and that is your will and desire to stop this habit that claims thousands of lives every year. Until then, every other method to combat the problem will be in vain.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

How to Overcome Infertility

Infertility can be a very emotionally draining problem to combat. Many people will not openly admit that there is a problem because of embarrassment. Infertility affects thousands of couples every year and is nothing to be embarrassed about. It does not make a man less of a man or a woman any less of a woman. It is simply a medical issue that can generally be overcome.

Determining Where the Problem Lies

In order to properly address the problem of infertility, it is usually necessary to figure out whether the man or woman is infertile. This is not a matter of pointing fingers or laying blame, but simply a step toward a resolution. Both men and women can have problems that cause infertility. For men the problem may be low sperm count, sperm obstruction, chronic infections or advanced age. Women can be affected by various infections, low ovarian stockpile, depleted progesterone layers, disorders of ovulation, or other issues. The cause can generally only be determined by a doctor or sometimes a specialist.

Battle Plans

Once the cause of the problem is identified, you will be able to address the problem appropriately. The manner in which you choose to address the underlying problem is something that you as a couple will need to decide. There are various medical treatments and natural treatment methods available. What works best for you and your lifestyle will be up to you.

Some of the methods that are currently available for treating infertility include:

•    Medications – One of the most commonly used methods for treating infertility in both men and women is prescription medication. With the exception of advanced age and chronic infections, there are medications that can help with many problems related to infertility. The downfall of this is that many of the medications are very costly and are often not covered by insurances. Another thing to keep in mind with prescription medications is that there are frequently unpleasant side effects that will require additional medication.

•    In vitro – In vitro fertilization is a process by which an egg is fertilized outside of the body in a controlled environment. Once the egg is successfully fertilized it is implanted in the uterus of the woman.  This process has been used successfully in the United States since 1981.

•    Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ISCI) – Male infertility can be treated by ISCI. In this test-tube fertilization procedure sperm is injected directly into the egg.

•    Herbal treatments – While the medical field has many forms of infertility treatments, the alternative care, or holistic, field has methods as well.  There are various herbs that Naturopaths work with to overcome the infertility barrier. Much like prescription medications, these sometimes come with unwelcome side effects. Though some feel herbs are safer than prescription medications, this subject is still up for debate.

•    Acupuncture – Another alternative method to treating infertility is acupuncture. Acupuncture is gaining popularity, though its effectiveness is controversial. This traditional form of Chinese medicine involves placing hair-thin needles at specific points of the body. The Chinese believe that this balances the energies of the body and allows it to function properly. Even those that do not believe that acupuncture is a viable treatment do agree that it does not render any harm to the body.

While this does not cover all of the available treatments for infertility, it does hit the most well-known.

Stumbling Block

There are, unfortunately, a number of stumbling blocks that can hinder success. Here are some of the most common stumbling blocks to overcoming infertility:

•    Pride – Many couples allow pride to keep them from seeking help in their battle against infertility. Fear of embarrassment will often cause one or the other members of the couple to refrain from obtaining a diagnosis until the problem has gone on for far too long.

•    Cost – Unfortunately, even those that do not allow pride to stop their search for a solution can not afford to have medical diagnosis or treatments that would be necessary to overcome infertility. Depending upon which route of treatment you decide upon, it can become very costly especially for those without adequate insurance. This is one of the reasons that many couples seek alternative treatments for infertility. Though there is still a cost involved, generally speaking alternative treatments cost significantly less.

•    Emotional Strain – Some couples find that the emotional rollercoaster of trying to become pregnant can become too much. The strain that it puts on a relationship sometimes makes the battle too costly to fight. When finger-pointing and resentment become a factor of the relationship, setting aside the mission of overcoming infertility may become the best solution.

Whatever method that you choose to wage war against infertility, no one can give you a guarantee. You have to determine if this is a gamble that you are willing to take. There are definitely stumbling blocks to overcome, but upon success the rewards will definitely outweigh the costs. It takes a strong relationship for a couple to successfully overcome infertility, but the result can be an even stronger family.

If you have been engaged in the infertility battle for some time and you seem to be wearying, often the best resolution is to set the battle aside for a period of time. This allows you to regroup emotionally, as a couple, and sometimes financially. When the stress is relieved and you can enjoy each other again without any expectations you may very well find that this is much more successful than other infertility treatments you have tried.

The number of stories of couples that tried to overcome infertility through medical treatments and various methods for years and finally got pregnant when they gave up trying is countless. Whatever method you try, do your best to keep your stress level as low as possible. Do not pressure or accuse your mate. While you may have to employ strategies to overcome infertility, try to enjoy the journey.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dealing With Obesity - Important Tips to Help Break the Cycle

The battle for victory over obesity is one that many people are fighting. There are so many books and diets and supposed cure-all pills on the market that those that seriously want or need to shed some weight have a difficult time knowing what to choose.

The fact of the matter is that pills and diets may work for a short period of time, but is you want to lose weight and keep it off you must alter your lifestyle. Losing weight and reverting back to the same unhealthy way of living and eating will only cause you to regain that weight and likely feel worse about yourself.


The first thing that you should do before attempting to overcome obesity is to honestly assess your lifestyle and your previous efforts at weight loss. You should actually put pen to paper and write down what aspects of your current lifestyle are positive toward weight loss and a healthy lifestyle and which are negative. If you can truly be honest in this area you will have taken a huge step toward overcoming obesity.

You should also write down all of the previous diets, weight loss programs, and pills that you have tried. Make special note of whether there was any success, how long it lasted, whether or not exercise was incorporated in, and what you think was missing that could have accelerated the success and promoted positive long-term results.


Going on a diet plan is usually not the answer for various reasons. First of all, the chances of you sticking to a rigorous diet plan for life are slim to none. In addition, these short-term diets often are not nutritionally balanced and can leave your body depleted of some much needed nutrients. While this may cause you to lose weight, it could create other health problems. The one exception to this is when a medical doctor or professional nutritionist assigns you a diet for specific health reasons.

Instead of a diet plan, do your best to clean up what you eat. This means that you should incorporate as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible in your meals and snacks. The raw produce will flood your body with nutrients that you are unlikely to get anywhere else. This is because heating any food cooks the nutrients out of it. The longer it is cooked, the fewer nutrients the food will have to supply your body.

Keep a journal of what you eat and when you eat it. This will help you identify emotional eating and recognize the habits you need to break. Eliminate processed sugar, fast foods, soda, and any other processed foods as much as possible. Often, just knowing that you will write down every piece of food that you put in your mouth will deter you from eating out of habit.

Another great idea that can help curb cravings and reduce appetite is to use a cleanse at the beginning of your change in diet. These can be picked up online or at a local nutrition store. There are many varieties to choose from. Some are designed to be performed over a week long period, some over a 24 hour period. You will have to determine which one will work best for you. However, once a cleanse is performed you often find that you do not crave sweets like you did and you may even lose a few pounds during the cleanse.


Exercise if very important to a healthy lifestyle. Too many people want a pill to do all the work while they continue sitting in front of the television eating potato chips. For any weight loss regiment to be the most successful, you must incorporate exercise. This can be as simple as going for a daily walk or you can join a gym or exercise class.

Exercise is important to burn calories and melt fat, but it is also important for cardiovascular and pulmonary health. It is also vital to removing toxins from your body. Sweating the toxins out will assist your body in proper functioning. This can dramatically increase your metabolism.

Track Your Progress

You should keep track of the progress that you make along the way. The same journal that you used to do your self-assessment can be used for this purpose as well. There are a number of factors that you should track along the way.

•    Weight – While you should keep track of how much you weigh when you begin and once a week until you reach your goal; do not focus too much on this area alone. There may be times that weight drops quickly and other times that it seems stagnant, but do not give up.

•    Measurements – You should measure yourself each time that you weigh yourself. This means measure your bust, waist, hips, buttocks, and thighs. Sometimes when your weight has reached a plateau you will see that you are still dropping inches.

•    Feeling – This should actually be recorded before you take your weight and measurements as to not be influenced by the results of the other measurements. This is an important factor that many trying to overcome obesity neglect. As your body becomes healthier you will most likely find that your energy level increases, battles that you may have had with depression will become less, and food cravings may become less.

These simple steps can help you to achieve victory as you overcome obesity. Here are a few more tips:

•    Healthy snacks – Keep healthy snacks with you to help you avoid picking up junk on the spur of the moment.

•    Eat frequently – By having a little healthy snack every two to three hours you will avoid overeating because you are overly hungry.

•    Make good choices – It can be very difficult to choose healthy when you are around friends that are eating unhealthy. If you can make good choices, such as a salad instead of fries at lunch, you will dramatically reduce your caloric intake.

As you work toward overcoming obesity you will have days that you do not make the right choices or give into temptation. Do not allow yourself to come under condemnation. You must simply start again, knowing that you are making progress.
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